Excel Pro Education

微軟 Office 365 Word 專業認證課程

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Course Information

  • 6 Aug 2024 (Tue) - 27 Aug 2024 (Tue) 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Registration period
1 Jan 2024 (Mon) - 8 Apr 2024 (Mon)
HKD 5,580
(課程費用可選擇包括考試費或不參加考試 (減$500) 。如參加微軟 MOS 國際認證考試,學員在完成課程後,可以於本中心一年内預約日期參加認證考試。)
Course Level
Study Mode
12 Hour(s)
香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道423-425號 嘉年華商業大廈

Course Overview

微軟 Office 365 Word 專業認證課程

微軟 Office 365 Word 專業認證課程由淺入深,完整涵蓋微軟 Office 365 Word 的最新功能及應用,適合辦公室工作時處理文書排版的需求,其中文件整合、製作報告及專業文件等内容,在課程中都詳盡講解 (例如:Mail Merge、SmartArt、Track Changes 及 Citation 等)。

另外此課程更對應 微軟 MOS 專業級綜合認證 (Microsoft Office Specialist Associate) 的考試內容,因此適合準備求職或晉升人士備戰微軟 MOS 國際認證,升級成為專業人士!

本課程融合了多年的實戰經驗,令各位學員能夠充分利用及了解 MS Office 各版本的特點。由1997年的紮實基礎到 Office 365 雲端版本的最新技術,都能夠靈活運用。

歡迎到本電腦中心的網上報名系統報讀以上課程,網站連結: https://www.ExcelProEdu.com.hk

如有任何課程查詢或預約報名歡迎致電 3702-0208 或電郵 info@excelproedu.com.hk 與我們聯絡!

What You’ll Learn


Introduction to MS Office Applications
- Introduction to WORD
- Application of MS Office Apps
- Why do we use MS WORD and not other applications
- Are there any WORD replacements
- Caution when using Windows / Macintosh and WORD
- Introduction to WORD version

MS Word
- What is MS WORD
- Why do we use MS WORD
- What can MS WORD do
- Introduction to Word layout
- Introduction to the Word file extensions
- Using the Word The ribbons
- Understanding The ribbon tabs

Working with Word
- Creating our first document
- Using the Word templates
- Where can I buy a Word template
- Insert Tables in the document
- Insert Bullet points
- Insert Number items
- Controlling the Bullet points and Number items
- Adjusting text size and formatting
- Adjusting symbols in document
- Insert smart art
- Controlling the smart art with bullet points
- Caution when using smart art
- Insert Images
- Advance setting for Images
- Cropping an Image
- Adding effect filters to an image
- Adding photo frames to an image
- Adding color filters to an image
- Adding gallery effect to an image
- Removing background for an image
- Reducing the size and resolution for an image
- Insert Graphs in the document
- Export the Excel graphs to Word
- Insert Hyperlinks
- Insert Header
- Setting the header as templates or custom a header
- Insert footer
- Setting the footer as templates or custom a footer
- Insert Text box
- Insert foot notes
- Set Margin and the margin limite
- Apply printing settings
- Set paper size
- Set Columns
- Set Water mark
- Set Background color
- Set citation and bibliography Style
- How to change one page Horizontal
- How to set auto table of content
- Track Changes
- Compare two documents with track changes


如有任何課程查詢或預約報名歡迎致電 3702-0208 或電郵 info@excelproedu.com.hk 與我們聯絡!

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