You current position is Research Assistant (Education).

Most of the people will be Senior Research Assistant as a career move.

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  • Research
  • Literature
  • Psychology
  • Data Collection
  • Publications
  • SPSS
  • Quantitative
  • Spoken English
  • Teaching
  • Administrative

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Currently hiring

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    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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    Hong Kong Metropolitan University
  • Part-time Research Assistant I (R7031,R7051) (S&T) (Ref: 24001LG)

    Hong Kong Metropolitan University
  • Temporary Research Assistant II – 3D Game Developer (R7501) (A&SS) (Ref: 24001L2)

    Hong Kong Metropolitan University
  • Research Assistant II (R6490/R7044/Project No.: TBRF/2024/1.10) (S&T) (Ref: 24001K4)

    Hong Kong Metropolitan University
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