You current position is Project Executive (Government / Public Sector).

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Professional skills

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  • Interpersonal Skills
  • English Language
  • Powerpoint
  • Data Collection
  • Data Input
  • Project Management
  • Support Services
  • Seminars
  • Product Development
  • Project Life Cycle

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Currently hiring

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    Government / Public Sector
    Avg. Monthly Salaries$20,000
    Job Growth in 3 Years n/a
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    Avg. Monthly Salaries$20,000
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  • Explore Career
    Government / Public Sector
    Avg. Monthly Salaries$20,000
    Job Growth in 3 Years n/a
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Articles related to this role - Project Executive

  • 港燈重視培訓人才員工企業並肩前行

  • 機電署應用科技於人才培訓中 決心打破固有行業形象

  • 及早準備資源及專才 疫情下建築署臨危不亂

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