You current position is Operator (Media / Advertising).

Most of the people will be Technician Operator as a career move.

Statistics about “Operator”

General analysis of your current position.

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    Median salary in 3 years
  • years
    Average work experience
  • n/a
    Job growth in 3 years
  • n/a
    Education Level
  • Jobs on CTgoodjobs
  • Industries are hiring

Professional skills

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  • Spoken English
  • 壓力下工作
  • 普通話
  • 伺服器
  • Putonghua
  • Video
  • Equipment
  • Satellite
  • Logistics
  • Electronics

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Currently hiring

  • 技術操作員 Technical Operator

    Phoenix Satellite Television Co Ltd
  • 廣播運作技術員 / 助理廣播運作技術員 Broadcast Operator / Assistant Broadcast Operator

    Phoenix Satellite Television Co Ltd
  • 音響控制員 Audio Operator

    Phoenix Satellite Television Co Ltd
  • Photo Retouching Operator (Art & Production)

    Sing Tao News Corporation Limited

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