You current position is Therapist (Medical Services).

Most of the people will be Occupational Therapist as a career move.

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  • Occupational Therapy
  • Protocols
  • Design
  • Therapy
  • Planning
  • Written English
  • Equipment
  • Maintenance
  • Children
  • Science

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Currently hiring

  • 一級職業治療師 (Occupational Therapist I)

  • 言語治療師 (Speech Therapist)

  • Medical Therapist 醫學治療師

    inSkin Aesthetic Solutions
  • Speech Therapist

    New Town Medical新都醫療
  • Speech Therapist

    Hospital Authority
  • 一級職業治療師 Occupational Therapist (職位編號: OTI-MOST)

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  • 【職人故事】造口護理護師︰冀病人活得有自尊

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