You current position is Trim Merchandiser (Merchandising / Purchasing).

Most of the people will be Senior Trims Merchandiser as a career move.

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  • Explore Career
    Senior Trims Merchandiser
    Merchandising / Purchasing
    Avg. Monthly Salaries$25,000
    Job Growth in 3 Years 41.5%
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    Junior Merchandiser
    Merchandising / Purchasing
    Avg. Monthly Salaries$15,000
    Job Growth in 3 Years 6.5%
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    Product Executive
    Merchandising / Purchasing
    Avg. Monthly Salaries$16,000
    Job Growth in 3 Years n/a
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  • Explore Career
    Merchandising / Purchasing
    Avg. Monthly Salaries$18,000
    Job Growth in 3 Years 6.3%
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