You current position is Sales (Health / Beauty Care).

Most of the people will be Sales Manager as a career move.

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  • 銷售
  • 英語
  • 流利廣東話
  • 普通話
  • 積極主動
  • New Business
  • Customer Service
  • 美容產品
  • 美容
  • Putonghua

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  • Sales & Customer Care (Fitness/ $22-30K/ 免費任用健身或瑜伽設施/ Staff discount)

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  • Sales Manager 銷售經理

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  • Customer Services & Sales Executive 銷售員 (⭐Fitness centre⭐月薪可達$30K⭐免費任用健身或瑜伽設施⭐員工折扣優惠)

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