You current position is Customer Relations Officer (Banking / Finance).

Most of the people will be Senior Client Service Officer as a career move.

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Professional skills

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  • Customer Service
  • Written English
  • Policies
  • Putonghua
  • Finance
  • Communication Skills
  • Mandarin
  • Financial Services
  • Administrative
  • Account Opening

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Currently hiring

  • Senior/Customer Service Officer

    Public Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
  • Customer Service Officer (CS Hotline) (Ref: CO-CSH)

    Public Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
  • Customer Service Officer – Vehicle Finance (Ref: CO-HPO)

    Public Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
  • Customer Service Officer - Relief Team

    Public Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
  • [Part-time] Customer Services Officer (Counter Operations)

    Nanyang Commercial Bank
  • Customer Services Officer (Counter Operations) (Ref: NF8008-00-CT)

    Nanyang Commercial Bank
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