Feva Works IT Education Centre

Certificate in Interactive Design using Figma Professional

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Course Information

  • 9 Oct 2024 (Wed) - 16 Oct 2024 (Wed) 10:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Registration period
12 Aug 2024 (Mon) - 8 Oct 2024 (Tue)
HKD 1,500
Study Mode
12 Hour(s)
九龍長沙灣道681號貿易廣場5樓503-506室 (長沙灣港鐵站B出口)

Course Overview

設計熱門工具 Figma

Figma 是現時最熱門的設計軟件之一。根據調查報告,Figma 已經超越了 Sketch 成為業界使用工具第一名。它的即時同步與協作功能,讓設計師們能夠即時尋求團隊夥伴對於設計稿的反饋,減少大量溝通成本並能快速迭代設計。從設計到規格交付整個流程都直接整合在同一個工具裡,不需要像以往一樣切換不同工具,也大幅提升工作效率。

Feva Works 特別推出《Certificate in Interactive Design using Figma Professional》重點教授 Figma 如何設計不同種類設計,詳細講解當中設計概念,操作方式,動態過場等技巧。有志投身設計行業不容錯過。


What You’ll Learn

Module 1 - Basic skills on Figma

Installing & signing up for Figma
Ways to Subscribe a plan (students are required to join Figma Professional subscription for some features)
Create, Open & Save file
Drawing Shapes
Text and fonts
Spacing & Alignment
Using Frames
Create Fill, Stroke & Effects Styles
Useful plugins for Figma
Basic Auto Layout

Module 2 – Advance Scrolling Effects

Responsive Auto Layout (Wrap)
Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Effects with Auto Layout
Parallax Effect on Scrolling

Module 3 - Image Slider Animation

Building IG Image Slider with Auto Layout
Create button component variant
Building Slide elements with different variants
Interactive prototype – On click/Tap trigger
Interactive prototype – On drag

Module 4 – Prototype eCommerce Shopping cart checkout

Building eCommerce UI
What's a Variable
Creating Dynamic content using Variable
Usage on Collections and Groups
Creating Shopping Cart variables
Prototype an interactive counter
Prototype with Conditional Logic actions
Creating Boolean Variable
Prototype Conditional Boolean effect
Set variables for price

Skills covered in this course

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