Computer Academy


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Course Information

  • 6 Oct 2024 (Sun) - 13 Oct 2024 (Sun) 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • 17 Oct 2024 (Thu) 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Registration period
19 Aug 2024 (Mon) - 7 Oct 2024 (Mon)
HKD 1,480
Study Mode
6 Hour(s)
Room 603 Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen's Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong

Course Overview

The Excel training course should be the first course for participants they have no prior experience or little knowledge in Excel. The course is designed from the perspective of beginners. It covers the most essential features such as data entry, building equations with Excel's functions, formatting reporting, print settings and charting. You will find our easy to follow exercises useful and also benefit from our small class size teaching approach.

In the class, you will explore Excel activities that go beyond the basic. After successful completion of the training, you can expect to have the skills required to work efficiently in an existing worksheet and to also create new worksheets from scratch.


What You’ll Learn

  • Understanding Excel's elements
  • Editing techniques
  • Writing formulas
  • File operations
  • Printing worksheets
  • Useful functions
  • Tips in editing a worksheets
  • Understanding address notations
  • Polishing worksheets
  • Number format
  • Exchange files with other applications
  • Styles
  • Managing Records
  • Drawing
  • Charting
  • Creating a 3D chart


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