Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency

[LW02] Legal Introduction to Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance

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Course Information

  • 4 Nov 2024 (Mon) 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Registration period
20 Sep 2024 (Fri) - 3 Nov 2024 (Sun)
HKD 1,800
Course Level
Study Mode
1 Day(s)
HKQAA Online Platform

Course Overview

Legal Introduction to Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance


  • Personal data privacy has become a crucial concern for individuals and organizations in Hong Kong. The implementation of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) has emphasized the responsible handling and management of personal information.

  • This course aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the legal requirements and principles in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. It will explore practical strategies and best practices for organizations to ensure compliance and effectively manage personal data privacy.

  • This seminar is tailored for non-lawyers, such as government officials, business owners, directors, chief executives, managers and professionals who are handling lots of personal data every day.


  • Understand the key personal data privacy issues and practices relevant to public officers' work in Hong Kong.

  • Gain a comprehensive overview of personal data privacy knowledge and skills needed for daily work.

  • Learn how to apply personal data privacy expertise to one's job responsibilities.

Trainer Profile

  • Practicing Barrister(s)

Certificate of attendance

  • Certificate of Attendance will be issued to participants who have attended more than 90% of the enrolled course hours

Should you have any questions, please free feel to contact Ms. Joanne Chan during office hour.

Tel: (852) 2202-9330               Email: training@hkqaa.org

Office Hour: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

What You’ll Learn


  • Overview and introduction to Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486)
  • Applicable requirements, exemptions and implications
  • The six data protection principles
  • Use of personal data for direct marketing
  • Data breach incidents and their handling
  • Related offences and compensation
  • Situation discussion / case study exercises

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