Course Information
- 10 Apr 2025 (Thu) - 11 Apr 2025 (Fri) 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Course Overview
Excel 儀表板和報告是改進 Excel 數據可視化的強大手段。儀表板報告是一種以摘要形式直觀呈現重要數據的方式,以便您可以做出快速有效的決策,其工作方式與汽車儀表板的工作方式大致相同。
Excel dashboards and reports are powerful means to improve Excel data visualization. A dashboard report is a way to visually present important data in summary form so that you can make quick and effective decisions, in much the same way that a car dashboard works.
由於其靈活性,您幾乎可以按照自己的方式在 Excel 中設計任何儀表板。本課程專為希望通過充分利用 Excel 中的儀表板和報告功能來執行數據建模和創建交互式報告的 Excel 用戶而設計。
Because of its flexibility, you can virtually design any dashboard in Excel exactly the way you want. This course is designed for Excel users who want to perform data modeling and create interactive reports by making the best use of the dashboard and reporting features in Excel.
What You’ll Learn
- 為儀表板和報告構建數據模型
- 規劃和構建引人注目的儀表板
- 使用有效的圖表類型來呈現不同類型的業務數據
- 為專業匯報定製圖表
- 創建樞紐分析圖
- 創建迷你圖以顯示數據趨勢或分佈
- 先進的圖表技術來創建交互式圖表和動態內容
- 使用巨集操作儀表板