Course Information
- 29 Apr 2025 (Tue) - 19 Aug 2025 (Tue) 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
HKMA Member : HK$7,900
Non-member: HK$8,500
Early bird discount: HK$600 less per person (Tuition fee received on or before 8 October 2024)
Group Discount: HK$300 each (For two or more participants making payments on this course together))
Course Overview
The 21st Century World of Work has experienced immense changes and all organizations are subjected to both external and internal influences. Such influences in turn encourage organizations to restate their strategic objectives, rewrite business plans, reallocate resources and maximize employees’ potential.
Employees are the most valuable assets of organizations, as strategic organizational objectives can only be achieved with employees’ contribution and execution. Organizations recognize that employees hold the key to achieve competitive advantage and view employees as the biggest weapon in an increasingly demanding marketplace. Learning and Development become ever more essential with multi-roles of assessing appropriate training needs, enhancing required competencies, refining training and development approaches as well as transforming learning results to return on investments.
Why study this course?
This course is designed for business executives or training professionals who are keen on refreshing and consolidating expertise of how to manage the Training and Development Function, upgrading core competencies of being professional trainers and building a learning organization, developing talents and succession planning.
This program includes understanding on strategic roles and latest trends of Training and Development function, transformation of learning results to return on investments, grasping core competencies to perform roles of successful training professionals, obtaining know-how to manage training project individually and professionally, applying tactics to build learning and sustainable organizations together with acquiring insights to execute talent development and succession planning.
Benefits in completing this course
Upon completion of this program, participant will receive an Executive Diploma in Learning and Development
which helps to pave the way to develop his/her career in trainingor to strengthen his/her professionalism in
learning and people development
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What You’ll Learn
Module 1. Managing the Training and Development Function / 培訓及發展部門的管理
- To enable participants to understand the strategic roles and latest trends of Training and Development function
- To equip participants with the essential attitude, skills and knowledge in managing the Learning and
Development function
- To facilitate participants in transforming the learning results to return on investments
A. Exploring the Strategic Roles and Latest Trends of Training and Development / 探索培訓及發展的戰略
1. Strategic role of Learning and Development in the 21st century world of work
2. Latest trends and changing responsibilities of Learning and Development
3. Critical functions of Learning and Development
B. Managing the Learning and Development Function / 帶領培訓及發展的部門
1. Integrating training and development goals with organizational strategic objectives
2. Building constructive learning culture to meet all business stakeholders’ needs
3. Managing training related cost and budget
4. Establishing team structure, roles and responsibilities of various training team members
5. Managing and motivating internal team members and external training consultants
6. Assessing training needs and ensuring appropriate training approaches
7. Analyzing, designing, developing and implementing training programs and learning solutions
8. Evaluating training eff ectiveness and suggesting future improvements
C. Key Success Factors when Transforming Learning Results to Return on Investments / 掌握轉移學習,
1. Main factors for successful transformation of learning results to return on investments
2. Benchmarking excellent organizations in achieving eff ective training and development strategies
3. Aligning organizational training objectives from corporate focus with individual career development needs
4. Preparing SMART learner-focus objectives and setting behavioral learning outcomes
5. Analyzing jobs requirements, selecting suitable talents for training and nurturing learning commitment
6. Arranging eff ective learning approaches and identifying effi cient measuring methods
7. Initiating transfer of learning into daily work and consolidating learning result application
Module 2. Building a Learning Atmosphere, Developing Talents and Succession Planning / 學習
- To help participants understand the tactics in building and strengthening a learning and sustainable organization
- To provide participants the universal insight in executing talent and staff development
- To share with participants the common practice in launching succession planning
A. Building and Strengthening a Learning and Sustainable Atmosphere / 建立和強化終身學習和可持續發展的氣候
1. Comparison between Learning and Development as well as Organizational Development
2. Dynamics of Organizational Development with references to external environmental and internal
stakeholders’ infl uences
3. Exploring the core vision, mission and value of successful learning and sustainable organizations
4. Creating and consolidating a learning culture inorganizations
5. Optimizing organizational structure, cooperation framework and working system
6. Indoctrinating and encouraging employees’ ownership in learning and motivating learned behaviors
7. Formulating and executing systematic training and development strategies
8. Developing learning roadmap to fully utilize core competencies of workforce and create values for organizations
B. Talent Development and Succession Planning / 統籌人才發展和繼任計劃
1. Recognition of workforce as ‘human capital’ according to their unique strengths and value
2. Comparison and selection between succession planning and talent management
3. Understanding the strategic importance of succession planning and talent development for organizations
4. Grasping and applying the principles of succession planning and talent development
5. Execution of succession planning and talent development
6. Applying the right tools to identify key successors and talents
7. Evaluating effectiveness of succession planning and talent development and suggesting future
Module 3. Trainer Core Competency and Career Development / 培訓師的核心競爭力和事業發展
- To boost up participants’, understanding on the core competencies to become successful training professionals
- To equip participants with required ability to manage training project individually and professionally
- To equip participants with necessary skills of being successful trainers for further career development
A. Exploring the Strategic Roles, Latest Trends and Required Aptitude of Successful Trainer / 領略培訓師的
1. Strategic role, latest trends and demanding responsibilities of successful trainer
2. Win-win attitude, skill and knowledge of being a professional trainer
3. Convincing personality mode and leadership style of being a professional trainer
B. Training project management / 管理培訓及發展項目
1. Exploring the principles of managing a successful training project
2. Fulfi lling the comprehensive process of Learning and Development
3. Obtaining top management approval and preparing required budget
4. Delivering training needs assessment and confi rming training objectives
5. Planning training program design (syllabus, contents, potential trainers, methodologies, duration, and
necessary resources, etc.) and program delivery (schedule and evaluation criteria, etc.)
6. Applying adult learning cycle and trainee styles to deliver the training program
7. Enhancing memory process and motivation in learning
8. Ensuring high-quality presentation and classroom management
9. Adopting 4-level of evaluation criteria to assess eff ectiveness and effi ciency of training
10. Handling of diffi cult trainees and learners
C. Preparing to becoming a Successful Trainer / 成功培訓師之裝備
1. Comparison of traditional and future training professionals
2. Adoption of Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) prospective to develop employee potential
3. Investigating the future career development of training professionals
4. Preparation and life-long learning of being a successful trainer
Skills covered in this course
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