Hopkins Training

最快1.5年完成工商管理碩士Master of Business Administration

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HKD 109,700 Scholarship Available
Study Mode
15 Month(s)

Course Overview

最快1.5年完成工商管理碩士Master of Business Administration

學生首先修讀由倫敦考試局 (LEB) 頒授的Level 7工商管理深造文憑。 成功完成此課程後,學生可以通過由LEB 教授的論文究方法模塊和碩士論文模塊繼續學習,以獲得格羅斯特郡大學頒授的工商管理碩士 MBA 學位。

簡而言之,這個 MBA課程 是LEB 和格羅斯特郡大學合作安排下提供的。 學生首先要學習 PGDBA,並獲得 120 個 MBA 認可學分。 然後,在開始格羅斯特郡大學的論文之前,學生需要接受 LEB 提供的研究方法培訓。

完成整個課程的時間約為 12 - 15 個月。學生將獲得倫敦考試委員會授予的 PGDBA 和格羅斯特郡大學授予的 MBA 學位。

Your Journey To Earn An Internationally Recognised UK MBA!

Student will work on your Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration delivered and awarded by London Examinations Board. When Student successfully complete this, student can carry on his/her studies with LEB with a research methods module and a dissertation to achieve your MBA degree awarded by University of Gloucestershire.

So, in a nutshell, this MBA is arranged under a collaborative arrangement between LEB and University of Gloucestershire. student will first work on your PGDBA which is accredited with 120 credits toward the MBA. Then student is required to undertake a research method training delivered by LEB before starting the Dissertation module of University of Gloucestershire.

The duration to complete this entire pathway is around 12 - 15 months.Studnet will receive a PGDBA awarded by London Examinations Board and an MBA degree awarded by University of Gloucestershire.


What You’ll Learn

學生首先修讀由英國倫敦考試局頒授的Level 7工商管理深造文憑 (PGDBA),完成所需科目後,即進入英國格羅斯特郡大學 (University of Gloucestershire) 的工商管理碩士課程。該課程要求學生完成研究方法論單元及論文。學生將在完成所有研習後獲得英國格羅斯特郡大學頒授之工商管理碩士學位。

整個課程約為12至15個月,畢業生將獲得兩個學歷資格:由英國倫敦考試局頒授的Level 7工商管理深造文憑(PGDBA)和由格羅斯特郡大學頒授的工商管理碩士學位。

Students will start from the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration at Level 7 awarded by the London Examinations Board. Upon completion of all the required modules, students will progress to the MBA Course by University of Gloucestershire, which requires students to complete the Research Methodology unit and the Management Project. Upon successful completion of the Project, students will receive an MBA degree awarded by University of Gloucestershire.

The duration for completion of the entire pathway is around 12-15 months, and graduates will receive two qualifications: Postgraduate Diploma at Level 7 awarded by the London Examinations Board and MBA awarded by University of Gloucestershire.

Skills covered in this course

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