SGS Hong Kong Limited

Create Impactful Customer Experience through 4C Service Model

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Course Information

  • 4 Nov 2024 (Mon)
Registration period
19 Jan 2024 (Fri) - 4 Nov 2024 (Mon)
HKD 1,030
(10% 折扣 為止 2024年11月03日 14:00 HKT)
Course Level
Study Mode
0.50 Day(s)
T.S.T. / Wan Chai / Sheung Wan Training Centre / HKSTP/ TBC

Course Overview

CERTIFICATION (Attendance: 100%)

Delegates who successfully completed the course will be issued a certificate by SGS Hong Kong Limited.


Venue: T.S.T. / Wan Chai / Sheung Wan Training Centre / HKSTP/ TBC 
Medium: Cantonese supplemented with English materials
* Early Bird Price will be offered to participant whose enrolment is made one month prior to the course or online booking


All business executives know that creating impactful services or memorable customer experiences is not as straightforward. In fact, our customers don't feel good if we only fulfill their expected demand in today's competitive business environment. If you need to engage your customers for life, you should discover and fulfill their different level of feelings and needs. 4C Service Model is a structured customer feeling management method, which is used to analyze, enhance and monitor the degree of positive feelings of service. It can be applied in all types of touch-points and in all kinds of business environments.

  • Understand how to create an unique service icon in customer’s conscious and unconscious mind
  • Know the four levels of impactful experience and how to maximize customer experience in specific touch-points 
  • Realize the effective ways to master customer’s emotion through combination of on-site and on-line services
  • Recognize the emotional impact for synergizing customer’s pre-experience, the-experience and post-experience
  • Learn how to apply a recognized psychological model to eliminate the pain-points and magnify the moment-of-truth


Cindy YU (Associate Trainer of SGS Academy HK)

  • Over 15 years of experience in the field of training and consultancy services.
  • Designed and delivered a lot of well-received customer services programs for over 100 large scale corporates and companies in Hong Kong & China, including McDonalds, IKEA, Coca Cola, Citibank, CHANEL, Jetour Holiday, MTR, Po Leung Kuk,….etc.
  • Accredited as Certified International Services Quality Management Practitioner (ISQMP), Internal Quality Auditor and Mystery Shopper of Qualicert® by SGS Ltd.

(SGS Hong Kong Ltd. reserves the right of final tutor arrangement)

What You’ll Learn


Session 1: From Service Operating Procedures to Customer Experience Mastery

  •   Understand the three core factors for creating customer experience
  •   Know how to use Jungian archetypes to analyze the positioning, strength and constrains of your current service
  •   Learn the relationship between Maslow Hierarchy of Needs and four levels of impactful experience
  •   Realize the concept, framework and applications of 4C Service Model

Session 2: From “Feel Fine” to “Feel Good” Customer Experience

  •   Know the importance of customer’s five senses management for creating positive impression
  •   Understand how to align with customer’s communication styles for building rapport
  •   Realize the effective ways to identify customer’s decision making patterns for establishing mutual trust

Session 3: From “Feel Good” to “Feel Great” Customer Experience

  •   Recognize the relationship between personal traits, life events and perception of experience
  •   Know the five major elements of total-customer- experience and their individually function and synergetic effect
  •   Learn how to create the impactful customer experience though customized pre-experience and post- experience

Session 4: From “Feel Great” to “Feel WOW” Customer Experience

  •   Understand the concept of Peak-End Rule and how it help us to create wonderful experience for customers
  •   Know the major elements and procedures for creating customer’s pleasant surprise
  •   Realize how to design a happy and memorable touch point at the end of customer journey

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