Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency

ISO 19650-1:2018 建築和土木工程資訊-使用建築資訊塑模(BIM)-理解與應用 (E-learning)

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Course Information

  • 11 Nov 2024 (Mon) 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Registration period
28 May 2024 (Tue) - 10 Nov 2024 (Sun)
HKD 3,700
Course Level
Study Mode
1 Day(s)

Course Overview


  • This training course syllabus is covering the concepts and principles for business processes across the built environment sector in support of the management and production of information during the life cycle of built assets (referred to as “information management”) when using building information modelling (BIM).
  • These processes can deliver beneficial business outcomes to asset owners/operators, clients, their supply chains and those involved in project funding including increase of opportunity, reduction of risk and reduction of cost through the production and use of asset and project information models.

What You’ll Learn

Course contents​

  • What we should not expect from ISO19650?
  • ISO19650 / BS 1192
  • Information Management vs. System Management
  • Definitions and terms
  • Terminology Mapping
  • Introduction to the BIM basic frameworks

ISO19650 Fundamentals in this and future sessions:

1)Concepts and Principles

  • Asset and project information, perspectives and collaborative working
  • The information delivery cycle
  • Project and Asset information management functions
  • Information container-based collaborative working
  • Information delivery planning
  • Managing the collaborative production of information
  • Common Date Enviironment (CDE)
  • Summary

2)Delivery Phase of the assets

3)ISO19650 from a project management perspective

4)  Multiple Choice Questions

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