Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency

ISO 50001:2018 能源管理體系 - 內部審核員培訓

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Course Information

  • 12 Sep 2024 (Thu) - 13 Sep 2024 (Fri) 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Registration period
28 May 2024 (Tue) - 11 Sep 2024 (Wed)
HKD 3,800
(開課前3星期報名及繳費可享早鳥優惠價 HK3500)
Course Level
Study Mode
2 Day(s)

Course Overview

Delivery Method

This course will be conducted with online platform. The e-learning platform can facilitate with an interactive communication.


Delegates are required to complete ISO 50001 Understanding & Application course

Who should attend

Business managers, engineers, consultants, contractors, and energy professionals who are entrusted to conduct ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems internal audit

Course objectives

In this course, delegates will be guided through the elements of an energy management internal audit based on ISO 50001 and ISO 19011. Upon completion of the course, delegates will learn the fundamentals of the ISO 50001 Energy Management standard as well as how to plan, conduct and report on an internal audit

Delivery method

Tutorials, discussions and workshops

Certificate of attendance

Certificate of Attendance will only be issued to participants who have attended more than 90% of the enrolled course hours.

Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Joanne Chan at 6050 8153 during office hour (9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) on Monday to Friday.

What You’ll Learn

Course contents

  • Understand the ISO 50001 audit model
  • Planning an audit
  • Implementing an audit
  • Audit activities
  • Preparing for audit
  • Conducting an audit
  • Reporting and result
  • Follow up after result
  • Checking & Improving audit process
  • Monitor and measuring an audit
  • Improving the audit process

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