Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency

ISO 10002:2018 客戶滿意度 - 投訴處理指引 - 內部審核員培訓 (E-learning)

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Course Information

  • 28 Oct 2024 (Mon) - 29 Oct 2024 (Tue) 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Registration period
28 May 2024 (Tue) - 27 Oct 2024 (Sun)
HKD 3,800
(於開課3星期前交費 HK3500)
Course Level
Study Mode
2 Day(s)

Course Overview

Course objectives

  • To appreciate the importance of internal audit in a quality management system
  • To plan and implement effective internal audits against ISO 10002:2018
  • To provide value-added auditing

Who should attend

  • Personnel handling complaints in companies, call centres, government agencies and industry associations


  • Delegates must have good understanding of ISO 10002 standard before attending this auditing course

What You’ll Learn

Course contents

What is an Audit?​
Ø Audit objectives
Ø Managing an audit​​

​​Planning an Audit​
Ø Identify audit objective
Ø Extent of an audit
Ø Principles of audit
Ø Auditor competence

Implementing an Audit​
Ø Audit activities
Ø Preparing for audit
。 Defining process map
。 Determining audit trail
。 Scheduling an audit
。 Preparing audit checklist
Ø Conducting an audit
。 Opening meeting
。 Conducting an audit
Ø Reporting audit result
。 Presenting audit findings
。 Preparing audit report
。 Closing meeting
Ø Follow-up after audit

Checking and Improving Audit Process
Ø Monitor and measuring an audit
Ø Improving the audit process

Certificate of attendance
Certificate of Attendance will be issued to participants who have attended more than 90% of the enrolled course hours.

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