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Course Information

  • 12 Oct 2024 (Sat) 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Registration period
19 Aug 2024 (Mon) - 2 Oct 2024 (Wed)
HKD 850
Course Level
Study Mode
3 Hour(s)
Room 603 Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen's Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong

Course Overview

Charts and graphs are the easiest way to interpret and visualize data. An effective chart is not just able to convey ideas more efficient, but also can raise audiences' interests. That is the reason why good charting technique is essential in preparing winning presentations. The course will teach students how to pick the right chart types, create stunning charts. Advanced charting topics, such as, pulling data from multiple sources, handling missing data, overlaying different charts, creating bullet graph and thermometer-style chart, graph showing trending and showing performance with variances, are also included.


What You’ll Learn

What you’ll learn

Introducing Excel Charts

  • How Excel Handles Charts
  • Parts of a Chart
  • Steps to Create a Chart
  • Working with Charts
  • Understanding Excel’s Chart Types
  • Bar charts, Line charts, Pie Charts, Scatter charts
  • Area charts, Doughnut charts, Radar charts, Surface charts
  • Bubble charts and stock charts
  • Creating Combination Charts
  • Creating and Using Chart Templates

Working with Chart Series

  • Specifying the Data for Your Chart
  • Deleting a Chart Series
  • Modifying the Data Range for a Chart Series

Understanding Series Names

  • Adjusting the Series Plot Order
  • Charting a Noncontiguous Range
  • Using Series on Different Sheets
  • Handling Missing Data
  • Controlling a Data Series by Hiding Data
  • Unlinking a Chart Series from Its Data Range

Formatting and Customizing Charts

  • Chart Formatting Overview
  • Using Fills and Borders functions : General Procedures
  • Formatting Chart Background Elements
  • Formatting Chart Series
  • Working with Chart Titles , Legends and Axes
  • Working with Gridlines , Data Labels and Data Table
  • Using time-scale axes
  • Using Excel Sparklines
  • Creating Sparklines
  • Customizing Sparklines

Charts That Show Trending

  • Picking chart types appropriate for trending
  • Applying creative label management
  • Comparative Trending
  • Creating side-by-side time comparisons
  • Creating stacked time comparisons
  • Trending with a secondary axis
  • Emphasizing Periods of Time
  • Formatting specific periods
  • Highlighting significant events with dividers
  • Outstanding forecasts in your trending components
  • Other Trending Techniques

Components That Show Performance Against a Target

  • Showing Performance with Variances
  • Showing Performance Against Organizational Trends
  • Using a Thermometer-Style Chart
  • Using a Bullet Graph
  • Creating a bullet graph
  • Adding data to your bullet graph
  • Showing Performance Against a Target Range

Skills covered in this course

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