Course Information
- 11 Jan 2025 (Sat) - 8 Feb 2025 (Sat) 2:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Course Overview
課程名稱:CISSP 國際認可證書課程 (Premier Cybersecurity Certification)
近年系統和網絡技術發展一日千里,大家開發解決方案 ( Solution ) 或處理電子資訊時除需要考慮功能外,更須注意資訊保安。一旦出現資訊安全事故 ( 例如客戶資料外洩 ),商譽或金錢上的損失均無法想像。故此資訊保安已成為 I.T. 界的 "必修科",僱主聘用 I.T. 同事時亦要求具備資訊保安知識及相關認證,例如 CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) 。
CISSP 證書制度是由 International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium ( 簡稱 ISC2 ) 建立,CISSP 是一張中立 ( Vendor Neutral) 的認證,當中所涉及的知識不限制於個別器材軟件生產商 (Vendor)。故此 CISSP 的知識應用層面十分廣泛。CISSP 的考試內容主要圍繞下列 8 個 CBK (Common Body of Knowledge)
- Security and Risk Management
- Asset Security
- Security Architecture and Engineering
- Communication and Network Security
- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Security Assessment and Testing
- Security Operations
- Software Development Security
What You’ll Learn
1 Introduction
2 Security and Risk Management
3 Domain 2: Asset Security
4 Domain 3: Security Architecture and Engineering
5 Domain 4: Communication and Network Security
6 Domain 5: Identity and Access Management (IAM)
7 Domain 6: Security Assessment and Testing
8 Domain 7: Security Operations
9 Domain 8: Software Development Security
10 NIST SP (Special Publication) related to CISSP exam
11 ISO/IEC 27000 series standards
12 Further reading