Course Information
- 19 Jun 2025 (Thu) 12:00 AM - 1:30 AM
(Live Single Attendee
US$149 Live Session
Recorded Single Attendee
US$199 6 month Access for Rec
Live+Recorded Single Attendee
US$249 6 month Access for Rec)
Course Overview
About the Course
This 1-hour 30 minute class on Employee Wellness and Stress Management in the Workplace focuses on practical strategies for managing stress and promoting overall well-being at work. The session aims to empower employees with the tools they need to manage stress effectively and improve their mental and physical health in the workplace.
In these uncertain and stressful times, promoting wellness and resilience in the workplace is vital. This program will feature the Stress Doc’s ™ Natural SPEED & formula for “Wellness and Resilience.”
In addition, the webinar will highlight:
Individual and organizational skills and strategies for dealing with procrastination and preventing burnout
How to deal with critical loss, from personnel to program
Learning to be constructively assertive and integrate being open with setting boundaries
How to run hi-tech and human touch team meetings
Developing an in-house wellness-building program through employee and team engagement in self- and external health goals.
Course Objective
Learn the formula for Natural SPEED
Overcoming Procrastination and Developing Time Management Skills and Strategies
Tools for becoming burnout-resistant and developing hardiness and resilience
Integrating openness and constructive boundary-setting
Developing “Psychological Hardiness” in the face of loss and change
How to build open and collaborative teams
Developing a division and/or company-wide “Wellness and Resilience” that encourages personal and team wellness engagement.
Who is the Target Audience?
This training is for anyone realizing that in times of rapid change and uncertainty, systematically encouraging personal and organizational wellness is vital for employee productivity, reducing turnover, and promoting emotional well-being and camaraderie. These stress resilience resources and strategies impact our capacity to empathize, connect, and productively partner with others. Both personal and interpersonal dynamics impact the productive, supportive, and collaborative potential of work groups and teams.
Basic Knowledge
No prerequisites. Just an interest in becoming more individually and organizationally stress resilient, burnout resistant, more adaptive in dealing with loss and change, learning to reach out for support while being more self-accepting, and tools and tactics for running more open, resilient, and effective teams and wellness programs.
What You’ll Learn
- Natural SPEED Survey
- Transforming Procrastination and Time Management Skills and Strategies
- Developing Stress Resilience and Psychological Hardiness
- Becoming Burnout Resistant
- Open and Assertive Communication Skills
- Building “Helmet’s Off” Collaborative Teams
- Developing a Collaborative and Inspiring Team-Division-Company Wellness Program