Simpliv LLC

4-hour Live Virtual Training on Quality Research Paper Writing

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Course Information

  • Anytime
Registration period
Year-round Recruitment
Course Level
Study Mode
4 Hour(s)

Course Overview

This course is for everyone who need to write quality research papers for their classes. It covers the selection of a topic and development of a thesis statement, the grammar rules necessary for a good paper, the structure and format of a research paper, how to reference sources and revise the paper, and they style techniques that every good writer should put into practice. 

What You’ll Learn

At the end of the training, students will be able to:Choose a topic, Develop a thesis, Make an outline, Find, cite, and reference sources, Follow grammar rules,Practice clear style and flow, Revise, edit, and proofread .

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Learning Insight

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  • 行政助理 Administrative Assistant (編號:RSD/AA/CT)

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