Matters Academy

Marine Plastic Pollution from Face Masks

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Study Mode
1 Hour(s)

Course Overview

Marine plastic pollution presents a serious threat to marine wildlife and ecosystems. Where does all this plastic come from? What impacts does this plastic have on our oceans? What can we do about it?

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What You’ll Learn

In this episode, Gary Stokes and Sam Cooke from OceansAsia examine marine plastic pollution by exploring their work on single-use plastic face mask pollution. The consumption and disposal of single-use plastic face masks increased dramatically during COVID-19, as did plastic pollution associated with personal protective equipment. Masks remain essential in combating the pandemic, resulting in increased waste. While unfortunate, this allows us to learn more about the problems with our waste management systems and over-consumption of plastic. OceansAsia's research found that more than 1.56 billion single-use plastic face masks entered our oceans in 2020 (4,680 to 6,240 tonnes). Despite this being a significant amount of plastic, it only represents a small percentage of the 8 to 12 million tonnes of plastic that enters our oceans annually. We must understand the nature of plastic pollution, its impacts on our environment, and what can be done.

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