Matters Academy

保育綠海龜 Conservation of Green Sea Turtles: A Fireside Chat with Sharon Kwok

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1 Hour(s)

Course Overview

你知道香港曾經發現綠海龜的足跡嗎?香港哪個海岸會吸引綠海龜產蛋呢? 綠海龜其實是世界第二大的海龜,亦是唯一一種在香港有繁殖記錄的海龜品種。然而,綠海龜經常被魚網纏繞、誤食海洋垃圾和被船隻螺旋槳割傷等。
Do you know that green sea turtles can be found in Hong Kong? Do you know which coast in Hong Kong attracts green sea turtles to lay eggs? The green sea turtle is the second largest turtle on earth and also the only species that has breeding records in Hong Kong. However, they are often killed by ghost nets, marine debris and ship propellers.

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What You’ll Learn

我們很榮幸邀請到郭秀雲女士Sharon擔任是次嘉賓,分享了她對綠海龜的保育工作,以及解釋她在拯救綠海龜中的發現。Sharon 更談到了她對動物的熱情並實現她的保育使命的旅程,並回想到許多關於人類活動對海洋生物和環境影響的深刻畫面。
We are honoured to have invited Sharon to share her advocacy to conserve green sea turtles, and explain what she discovered in her quest to save green sea turtles. She also speaks of her journey in discovering her passion for animals and realizing her mission in conservation, and recalls many shocking pictures of the effect of human activity on marine life and the environment.

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