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Course Overview
從一個漁村到一個國際金融中心,香港沒有改變的一件事是人們對海鮮的熱愛。 然而,對海產的過度需求代價高昂,導致許多地區和物種過度捕撈和完全捕撈。
From a fishing village to a major international financial centre, one thing that has not changed about Hong Kong is its people's love for seafood. However, this excessive demand for seafood has been costly, resulting in many regions and species overfished and fully fished.
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What You’ll Learn
在本次講座中,我們邀請了Stan Shea先生分享他對香港海洋保育的熱情以及他在114°E珊瑚魚普查中的工作。 在本次講座中了解珊瑚魚如何造福海洋,為什麼我們需要保護珊瑚魚,以及我們可以做些什麼來拯救它們。
In this lecture, we have invited Mr. Stan Shea to share his passion for marine conservation in Hong Kong and his work in the 114°E Hong Kong Reef Fish Survey. Learn about how reef fishes benefit the ocean, why we need to protect reef fishes, and what we can do to save them in this lecture.
Skills covered in this course
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