Excel Pro Education

Certificate in Excel VBA Programming & Automation

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Course Information

  • 9 Jul 2024 (Tue) - 30 Jul 2024 (Tue) 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Registration period
1 Jul 2024 (Mon) - 9 Jul 2024 (Tue)
HKD 15,000
Course Level
Study Mode
12 Hour(s)
香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道423-425號 嘉年華商業大廈

Course Overview

Certificate in Excel VBA Programming & Automation 大師級商務課程涵蓋所有在工作中需要的多重函應用 (Functions Nesting) 以及程式編寫 (VBA Macro)。內容完全涵蓋各專門行業的 MS Excel應用,令你在工作上邊得更專業,更強大!

本課程融合了多年的實戰經驗,令各位學員能夠充分利用及了解MS Office各版本的特點。由1997年的紮實基礎到Office 365版本的最新技術,都能夠靈活運用。

所有學員完成 30 小時的課程後將能夠熟練地運用 Excel 在工作中所需要的 VBA Macro 全自動程式的編寫,理論及商業應用等的 Excel VBA 學習重點。

歡迎到本電腦中心的網上報名系統報讀以上課程,網站連結: https://www.ExcelProEdu.com.hk

如有任何課程查詢或預約報名歡迎致電 3702-0208 或電郵 info@excelproedu.com.hk 與我們聯絡!

What You’ll Learn


VBA Layout and Background

  • Excel Macro, VBA, VBE?
  • Why do we use Macro and VBA?
  • Why do we need VBE
  • VBE Layout
  • How to setup the VBA Layout
  • What is Modules
  • VBA Code basic structure

The VBA Language Background

  • What is a computer language
  • What is an algorithm?
  • The Object Oriented Language
  • The Object-Method Model
  • What is an Object in Excel?
  • What is a Method?
  • How to call an object and apply a method?
  • The Excel Object Hierarchy

The VBA Language Structure and Syntax

  • Option Explicit
  • Declare Variables
  • Variables Types
  • VBA Operators
  • MsgBox
  • With
  • If…Then…
  • If…Then…Else…
  • If…Then…ElseIf…Else…
  • For Loop
  • For Each…In…
  • Do While Loop
  • Do Until Loop
  • Exit Do
  • Application.Run
  • Cell Reference
  • Range
  • Cells
  • Range.Active / Range.Select
  • Range.Offset
  • Range.End
  • Range.CurrentRegion
  • Application.Goto
  • Range.Font
  • Range.Interior.Color
  • Range.Borders
  • Clear and delete a range of cells
  • Range.Value
  • Range.Text
  • Range.Formula
  • Range.Delete
  • Range.copy
  • Range.Copy Destination:=Range
  • The VBA Language Structure and Syntax
  • Add new worksheet
  • Delete a worksheet
  • Copy worksheet
  • Move a worksheet
  • Get the worksheet name
  • Close a workbook
  • Save a workbook
  • Show file path
  • Macro that runs when open the workbook
  • Macro that runs before closing the workbook
  • Charts
  • Add a chart
  • Add a chart with positions
  • Change Chart type
  • Set Chart Title
  • Set Axis Title


  • Build a form
  • Show the form
  • Build a button to show the form
  • Close the form
  • Write text on the form
  • Build a text box for user input
  • Create a operation button
  • Radio buttons
  • Check boxes
  • Drop menu
  • Get the value from the drop menu

歡迎到本電腦中心的網上報名系統報讀以上課程,網站連結: https://www.ExcelProEdu.com.hk

如有任何課程查詢或預約報名歡迎致電 3702-0208 或電郵 info@excelproedu.com.hk 與我們聯絡!

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