CUHK - School of Continuing and Professional Studies

Professional Certificate Programme in Career Development Facilitation 職涯發展規劃專業證書課程

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Course Information

  • 12 Oct 2024 (Sat) - 21 Dec 2024 (Sat) 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Registration period
5 Aug 2024 (Mon) - 20 Sep 2024 (Fri)
HKD 30,970 CEF Reimbursable
(Application Fee

Tuition Fee
(There is an additional cost of US$275 (or e-version US$250) for the Student Manual to be ordered online on the NCDA website.))
Study Mode
88 Hour(s)
Cantonese, English
Tsim Sha Tsui East Ocean Centre

Course Overview

Programme Background and Objectives

The programme aims to:

i. promote awareness and knowledge of the essence and importance of a proper approach and process in providing assistance in one’s career development or planning;

ii. equip participants with the key repertoire of theories, skills, and practices for providing facilitation and career plan services to clients with different needs in career development with due awareness of ethical codes and standards;

iii. enable participants to yield insights into how career development relates and contributes to personal understanding and growth via reflection on personal values, traits, interests, abilities, goals, and lifestyles.

Expected Programme Learning OUtcomes

Upon completion of the programme, participants will have acquired the ability to:

i. articulate a clear understanding of a proper approach and process for conducting facilitation in handling career-related issues;

ii. process, synthesize, and apply knowledge about major theories, skills, tools, and practices in facilitating career development in compliance with ethical standards;

iii. utilize a range of resources and strategies to assist clients in enhancing employability and design appropriate career development programmes;

iv. identify contexts or areas in need of further training or supervision for continuing development as a facilitator for career development or services.

Admission Requirements

i. Holder of an Associate Degree or equivalent with at least 8 years of working experience; OR
ii. Holder of a Bachelor Degree or equivalent with at least 2 years of working experience; OR
iii. Holder of a Master Degree or equivalent with at least 1 year of working experience; OR
iv. Holder of a Doctorate Degree or equivalent.

What You’ll Learn

Module :

Module 1: Facilitating Career Development : THe Exploring Phase

Module 2: Facilitating Career Development : The Understanding Phase

Module 3: Facilitating Career Development : The Action Phase

Module 4: Group Facilitation for Career Development

Module 5: Advanced Facilitation Skills

Module 6: Assessment Tools and Practices

Module 7: Development Theories and Practice

Module 8: Facilitating Career Development for Specific Targets


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