Course Information
- 13 May 2025 (Tue) - 15 May 2025 (Thu) 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- 10 Sep 2025 (Wed) - 12 Sep 2025 (Fri) 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(Course Fee: $4,600
This course is already on the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) pre-approved list CITF pre-approved List – BIM Training Course PBT18-079. Qualified construction industry organization can apply this course and receive a tuition subsidy of up to 70% per person for their members.
Course Overview
Revit 的應用覆蓋建築物的不同範疇,當然亦包括結構工程設計。Revit 除了為結構工程師準備一流的結構 BIM 模型外,亦提供完備的功能令工程師可預覽設計結果,製作高質、一致的設計文件。更重要的是我們可以管理好 Revit 結構分析模型,連結到第三方的分析工具 (如 ETABS, Robot Structural Analysis 等) 提供力學數據,緊貼設計轉變。
本課程會以最新的 Revit 教授其結構工程應用,讓學員可以:
- 製作 Revit BIM 模型中結構工程的部件,製成結構建築模型
- 連結其他建築專業 (如 Architecture. MEP 等) 進行協同製作,減少設計誤差
- 準備和設計一致的分析模型 (Analytical Model),供進一步分析之用。
- 本課程由淺入深,全面裝備學員使用以至管理 BIM 項目。
- 使用 AOTG (Autodesk 官方培訓教材),確保課程質素。
- 學員修畢課程,會獲頒 Autodesk 原廠認可修業證書,為你的實力加上專業肯定。
- 使用最新版本軟件教學,確保同學能掌握最新的技術。
- 學員可獲 Autodesk 學生版軟件使用。
- 學員可獲 網上平台提供課外學習支援。
Revit 的應用覆蓋建築物的不同範疇,當然亦包括結構工程設計。Revit 除了為結構工程師準備一流的結構 BIM 模型外,亦提供完備的功能令工程師可預覽設計結果,製作高質一致的設計文件。更重要的是我們可以管理好 Revit 結構分析模型,連結到第三方的分析工具
- 製作 Revit BIM 模型中結構工程的部件,製成結構建築模型
- 連結其他建築專業 (如 Architecture. MEP 等) 進行協同製作,減少設計誤差
- 準備和設計一致的分析模型 (Analytical Model),供進一步分析之用
參加者須熟識視窗系統 (XP 或更新版本) 操作,有建築設計、繪圖或工程背景,以及基本 Revit 認識,曾經報讀我們的 BIM Design with Autodesk Revit 者更佳。
What You’ll Learn
Building Information Modeling
- Workflow and BIM
- Views and Sheets
Setting up Levels and Grids
- Setting Up Levels
- Modifying Levels
- Creating Structural Grids
- Adding Grids
- Modifying Grid Lines
Working with Views
- Duplicating Views
- Duplication Types
- Adding Callout Views
- Modifying Callouts
- Setting the View Display
- Underlays
- View Range
- Overriding Graphics in a View
- Elevations and Sections
- Elevations
- Sections
- Modifying Elevations and Sections
Starting Structural Projects
- Importing and Linking CAD Drawings
- Modifying Imported/Linked CAD Files
- Linking in Architectural Projects
- Managing Links
- Copying and Monitoring Elements
- Copy/Monitor Options
- Monitoring Elements
- Working with Monitored Elements
Adding Columns and Walls
- Placing Vertical Structural Columns
- Modifying Columns
- Loading Structural Column Types
- Placing Slanted Structural Columns
- Working in3D Views
- Working in Elevations or Sections
- Drawing Walls
- Modifying Walls
Adding Foundations and Structural Slabs
- Creating Wall Footings
- Isolated Footings
- Working with Custom Families
- Piers and Pilasters
- Creating Structural Slabs
- Modifying Slabs
- Editing the Structure of a Slab
- Slab Edges
- Creating Shaft Openings
- Structural Reinforcement
- Structural Reinforcement
- Structural Reinforcing Settings
- Adding Rebar
- Multi-planar Rebar
- Viewing Rebar in 3D Views
- Modifying Rebar Placement
- Rebar Types
- Editing Plan and Section Profiles
- Reinforcing Walls, Floors, and Slabs
- Area Reinforcement
- Path Reinforcement
- Modifying Area and Path Reinforcement
- Fabric Reinforcement
Beams and Framing Systems
- Adding Beams and Beam Systems
- Modifying Beams
- Sloping and Offsetting Beams
- Adding Beam Cantilevers
- Changing Justifications
- Attaching a Column to a Beam
- Applying Beam Coping
- Editing Beam Joins
- Framing Openings
- Framing Annotation
- Beam Annotations
- Beam Systems Symbol
- Adding Bracing
- Modifying Bracing
- Creating Groups
- Cross Bracing Settings
Projects – Steel and Concrete Structures
- Steel Structure – Additional Practices
- Concrete Structure – Additional Practices
- Structural Schedules
- Graphical Column Schedules
- Modifying Graphical Column Schedules
- Working with Schedules
- Modifying Schedules
- Modifying a Schedule on a Sheet
- Importing and Exporting Schedules
- Creating Schedules
- Building Component Schedules
- Material Takeoff Schedules
- Modifying Schedules
- Modifying Schedule Properties
- Setting up Cell Appearance
- Chapter 1 Family Concepts & Techniques
Introduction to Creating Families
- Family Types
- Host vs Stand-alone Families
- Family Editor
- Preparing to Create Families
- Overview of Creating a Family
- Creating the Parametric Framework
- Setting up Reference Planes/Lines in
- Families
- Adding Dimensions
- Flexing Geometry
- Creating Family Elements
- Creating 3D Elements
- Additional Tools for Families
- Aligning and Locking
- Adding Controls
- Adding Openings
- Adding Lines
- Text Tools
- Adding Components
- Creating Family Types
- Visibility Display Settings
- Overview of Family Creation
- Locating Custom Family Files
Additional Families
- Parametric Gusset Plate
- Column Stiffeners (In-Place Family)
- In-Place Slab Depression
- Built-Up Column
- Tapered Concrete Column
- Precast Hollow Core Slab
- Tapered Moment Frame
Creating Trusses
- Truss Concepts and Techniques
- Creating Truss Families
- Using Trusses in Projects
Structural Analysis
- Preparing Projects for Structural Analysis
- Structural Settings
- Symbolic Representation Settings
- Load Cases
- Load Combinations
- Analytical Model Settings
- Boundary Conditions Settings
- Viewing Analytical Models
- Analytical Settings and Views
- Adjusting Analytical Models
- Analytical Justifications
- Analytical Properties
- Manually Adjusting the Analytical Model
- Placing Loads
- Boundary Conditions
- Adding Loads
Project Team Collaboration
- Introduction to Worksets
- Workset Definitions
- Opening and Saving Workset-Related Projects
- Saving Workset Related Files
- Working in Workset-Related Projects
- Editing Elements in Worksets
- Permissions to Edit
- Relinquishing Worksets
- Ending the Day Using Worksets
- Visibility and Display Options with Worksharing
- Controlling Workset Visibility
- Worksharing Display Options
- Worksharing and Linked Models
- Working with Worksets in Linked Models
- Working in Workset-Related Projects
- Setting Up Worksets
- Placing Elements in Worksets
- Creating the Central File
- Other Workset Types
- Best Practices for Worksets
- Working with Company Policies
- Tips for Using Worksets
- Tips for Creating Worksets
Working with Shared Parameters
- Project Parameters
- Working with Shared Parameters
Skills covered in this course
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