The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy Programs in Integrative Systems and Design

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Course Information

Registration period
2 Sep 2022 (Fri) - 2 Sep 2026 (Wed)
Study Mode
4 Year(s)

Course Overview

The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Integrative Systems and Design are uniquely cross-disciplinary. They lay emphasis on the confluence of functionality and form in the design of modern devices, services etc. The goal is to promote and support cutting edge research that are user-aware, with explicit emphasis on the human component (including design, ergonomics, and usability). A graduate of either of these programs is expected to have a broader exposure to multiple disciplines as well as a solid foundation in three critical aspects of design, namely user-centered design, design methodologies, and function driven design.

The MPhil program aims to train students to conduct world-class research on a cross-disciplinary topic, particularly using principles of design in solving technical problems with clear emphasis on human and societal benefits. A MPhil graduate is expected to demonstrate sufficient knowledge about the state-of-the-art in the areas related to the research problem and on the broader related topics.

The PhD program aims to train students with an ability to independently conduct and lead world-class research on a cross-disciplinary topic. Candidates will learn to use and apply principles of design in solving technical problems informed by human and societal issues. A PhD graduate is expected to lead their own research agenda, while demonstrating sufficient knowledge about the state-of-the-art in the areas related to the research problem and on the broader related topics.


On successful completion of the MPhil program, graduates will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to conduct world-class research on a cross-disciplinary topic;
  2. Demonstrate sufficient knowledge about the state-of-the-art in the areas related to the research problem and on the broader related topics; and
  3. Demonstrate the ability to use principles of design in solving technical problems with clear emphasis on human and societal benefits.


On successful completion of the PhD program, graduates will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to independently conduct and lead world-class research on a cross-disciplinary topic;
  2. Demonstrate sufficient knowledge about the state-of-the-art in the areas related to the research problem and on the broader related topics; and
  3. Demonstrate the ability to use principles of design in solving technical problems with clear emphasis on human and societal benefits.


To qualify for admission, applicants must meet all of the following requirements. Admission is selective and meeting these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

1. General Admission Requirements of the University
Applicants seeking admission to a master's degree program should have obtained a bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution, or an approved equivalent qualification;

Applicants seeking admission to a doctoral degree program should have obtained a bachelor’s degree with a proven record of outstanding performance from a recognized institution; or presented evidence of satisfactory work at the postgraduate level on a full-time basis for at least one year, or on a part-time basis for at least two years.

2. English Language Admission Requirements
Applicants have to fulfill English Language requirements with one of the following proficiency attainments:

TOEFL-iBT: 80*

TOEFL-pBT: 550

TOEFL-Revised paper-delivered test: 60 (total scores for Reading, Listening and Writing sections)

IELTS (Academic Module): Overall score: 6.5 and All sub-score: 5.5

* refers to the total score in one single attempt

Applicants are not required to present TOEFL or IELTS score if

their first language is English, or

they obtained the bachelor's degree (or equivalent) from an institution where the medium of instruction was English.

What You’ll Learn

Minimum Credit Requirement

MPhil: 15 credits
PhD: 18 credits

Required Courses

MPhil: 15 credits of approved coursework, including ISDN 5010 and at least 3 additional credits from the following ISDN courses.

ISDN 5010Design Methodologies3 Credit(s)
ISDN 5060Embedded Systems3 Credit(s)
ISDN 5210Product Design Engineering3 Credit(s)
ISDN 5300Advanced Digital Design3 Credit(s)

PhD: 18 credits of approved coursework, including ISDN 5010 and at least 6 additional credits from the following ISDN courses.


ISDN 5010Design Methodologies3 Credit(s)
ISDN 5060Embedded Systems3 Credit(s)
ISDN 5210Product Design Engineering3 Credit(s)
ISDN 5300Advanced Digital Design3 Credit(s)
ISDN 6710-6720Independent Study1-3 Credit(s)
ISDN 6810-6830Special Topics1-3 Credit(s)

School Requirements on PhD Programs

In addition to the program requirements, all full-time and part-time PhD students are required to complete the school requirements, which aim to help students gain a wider exposure to multidisciplinary areas, and attain all-rounded learning by broadening their knowledge base.

PhD students are required to take at least a 3-credit course at 5000-level or above outside their programs offered by the School of Engineering. The 3 credits may be satisfied by courses from other Schools upon approval.

In some exceptional cases where students can provide sufficient justifications and obtain prior approval from their supervisors, PG Coordinators, and Heads of Department/Program Directors or designees, they are allowed to take the 3-credit course within their home departments/programs but the course must be in areas outside their specialty.

Details of the requirements are available on the website of the School of Engineering. .

Graduate Teaching Assistant training

PDEV 6800Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education0 Credit(s)

All full-time RPg students are required to complete PDEV 6800. The course is composed of a 10-hour training offered by the Center for Education Innovation (CEI), and session(s) of instructional delivery to be assigned by the respective departments. Upon satisfactory completion of the training conducted by CEI, MPhil students are required to give at least one 30-minute session of instructional delivery in front of a group of students for one term. PhD students are required to give at least one such session each in two different terms. The instructional delivery will be formally assessed.

Professional Development Course Requirement

PDEV 6770Professional Development for Research Postgraduate Students1 Credit(s)

Students are required to complete PDEV 6770. The 1 credit earned from PDEV 6770 cannot be counted toward the credit requirements.

PhD students who are HKUST MPhil graduates and have completed PDEV 6770 or other professional development courses offered by the University before may be exempted from taking PDEV 6770, subject to prior approval of the School.

ENGG 6780Career Development for Engineering Research Students1 Credit(s)

Students are required to complete ENGG 6780. The 1 credit earned from ENGG 6780 cannot be counted toward the credit requirements.


PhD students who are HKUST MPhil graduates and have completed ENGG 6780 before may be exempted from taking ENGG 6780, subject to prior approval of the School.


English Language Requirement

LANG 5000Foundation in Listening & Speaking for Postgraduate Students1 Credit(s)

Full-time RPg students are required to take an English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) Speaking Test administered by the Center for Language Education before the start of their first term of study. Students whose ELPA Speaking Test score is below Level 4, or who failed to take the test in their first term of study, are required to take LANG 5000 until they pass the course by attaining at least Level 4 in the ELPA Speaking Test before graduation. The 1 credit earned from LANG 5000 cannot be counted toward the credit requirements. .


LANG 5001Postgraduate English for Engineering Research Studies1 Credit(s)

Students are required to complete LANG 5001. Students can be exempted from taking LANG 5001 with the agreement of the Department Head and PG Coordinator. The 1 credit earned from LANG 5001 cannot be counted toward the credit requirements.

Postgraduate Seminars

ISDN 6660Integrative Systems and Design Seminar0 Credit(s)


Students are required to complete ISDN 6660 for at least two terms.


Students are required to complete ISDN 6660 for at least four terms.


PhD Qualifying Examination

All PhD students must pass an oral qualifying examination that is composed of two parts:

Part 1. A presentation on the literature review of topics relevant to the thesis research topic.

Part 2. An oral preliminary defense presenting details of the thesis research, including (a) preliminary results that have been submitted for publication or presented in international conference(s), and (b) plan to research subsequent to the oral examination and prior to the final defense.

The two parts of the qualifying examination can be done separately or together. Part 1 must be completed no later than 24 months (for full-time) or 36 months (for part-time) after the student joins the program. Part 2 must be completed at least 6 months prior to the final defense. 

Thesis Research

ISDN 6990MPhil Thesis Research0 Credit(s)
ISDN 7990Doctoral Thesis Research0 Credit(s)


Registration in ISDN 6990; and
Presentation and oral defense of the MPhil thesis.

Registration in ISDN 7990; and
Presentation and oral defense of the PhD thesis.

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