Feva Works IT Education Centre

CEF 認可 Certificate in Digital Marketing

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Course Information

  • 30 Nov 2024 (Sat) - 8 Feb 2025 (Sat) 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • 17 Dec 2024 (Tue) - 18 Mar 2025 (Tue) 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • 16 Jan 2025 (Thu) - 3 Apr 2025 (Thu) 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Registration period
16 Oct 2024 (Wed) - 16 Jan 2025 (Thu)
HKD 7,500 CEF Reimbursable
(減免後* 低至 $ 1500)
Study Mode
30 Hour(s)

Course Overview

全面學習 Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization SEO, Keyword Research, PPC Advertising, Search Engine Marketing SEM, Paid Search Marketing, Display Advertising, Google Display Network GDN, Facebook Marketing, Facebook Pixel, Retargeting, Remarketing, Mobile Marketing, Mobile SEO, Local SEO, App Marketing, App Store Optimization ASO, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Web Analytics, E-commerce Tracking, Conversion Tracking, SMART Objectives & KPIs等等

助你全方位掌握 數碼行銷策略+技能

有見及此,Fevaworks 特別為大家帶來【Certificate in Digital Marketing】課程,教授數碼行銷10大必學技能,包括:SEO 搜尋引擎優化、關鍵字探勘調查、PPC關鍵字廣告製作、展示式廣告操盤技巧、Facebook 廣告策略部署、eDM電郵推廣企劃、Mobile平台營銷戰術、APP 宣傳攻略、網站流量數據洞察、以及數碼營銷策略規劃。

本課程為期 30 小時,透過業內數碼行銷專家的授課,藉由理論輔以實例的講學,全方位教授數碼營銷的策略思維與實戰技能,幫助學員提升職場競爭力。


1. 各行各業,想了解數碼營銷策略的業者

2. 想自我增值、提升職場競爭力的數碼行銷從業員

3. 想學習SEO技能、晉身為搜尋引擎優化專員的求職者

4. 想善用數碼廣告預算、進行業務推廣的中小企業老闆

5. 曾修讀 Certificate in Content Marketing & Social Media Strategy、想進入更廣闊營銷領域的學員

What You’ll Learn

Certificate in Digital Marketing

1. Digital Marketing Strategy
Analyze Customer Journey, Marketing Funnel, and Digital Touchpoints
Utilize See-Think-Do-Care Model to Develop a Digital Channel Mix Plan
Define Digital Marketing Objectives that meets SMART Criteria
Understand Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Digital Marketing Strategy
Leverage Digital Measurement Plan to Identify the KPIs That Matter
Structure an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

2. Keyword Research

Learn About Most Recent Big Changes in Google Search Algorithm
Find Profitable Long Tail Keywords that are Easy to Rank For
Brainstorm Seed keywords in Your Niche to Generate a List of Keyword Ideas
Keyword Research Tips for Google Keyword Planner and Google Trends
Use Google Search Console to See How Well Your Website Rank in Search Engine

3. SEO Strategy

Technical SEO: What Need to be Checked Regularly and What Need to be Avoided
On-Page SEO: How to Optimize Your Web Content with Proper On-page SEO Techniques
Off-Page SEO: How to Do Proper Off-page SEO for Your Website & Avoid Critical Mistakes
Optimize Keywords in Your Webpage Content and Meta Tags
Create Backlinks and Internal links with Unique Content and Proper Keyword Optimization
Understand What are XML Sitemaps and How to Create it for Your Website

4. Paid Search Advertising

Create Google Ads account and Launch Optimized Google Search Ads Campaign
Write Effective Responsive Search Ads and Ad Extensions
Use Conversion Tracking to Determine the Value of Your Ad Campaigns
Choose the Right Bidding Strategy to Spend Less and Gain More
Understand the Quality Score and Improve it to Decrease Cost per Click
Monitor Google Search Ads Performance

5. Display Advertising

Create Display Ads to Show Your Ads on Google Display Network (GDN)
Understand What are Uploaded Display Ads and Responsive Display Ads
Optimize Display Ads and Landing Pages to Increase Conversion Rate
Set Up the Campaign Budget, Ad Schedule, and Location and Language Targeting
Discover the Right Audiences Based on Interest and Content to Target on GDN
Launch Remarketing Ads Campaign to Convert, Up-sell, and Retain Customers
Learn About Google Ads Policies and Rules

6. Facebook Advertising

Properly Create Facebook Page and Structure Facebook Ad Campaigns
Choose the Best Placements to Show Your Facebook Ads in the Most Effective Places
Write Engaging Captions to Encourage Your Audience Interacting with Your Facebook Ads
Utilize Saved Audience to Reach the Targeted Consumers through Facebook Ads
Leverage Custom Audiences to Deploy Retargeting Facebook Ads
Analyze and Manage Facebook Advertising Results in Meta Ads Manager
Understand What Key Facebook Ad Policies You Need to be Aware Of

7. Mobile Marketing

Mobile Site vs Mobile App: Which One You Should Use
Use Mobile SEO to Improve Mobile Site Search Ranking
Understand What are Responsive Web Design (RWD) and Dynamic Serving
Properly Optimize a Local Business Website for Maximum Local SEO Benefit
Add Your Local Business to Google and Optimize the Listing in Google Business Profile
Use Mobile Ads Campaign with Appropriate Bid Adjustment to Reach Mobile Consumers

8. App Marketing

Understand App Marketing Funnel: Awareness, Acquisition, and Retention
Get featured in Apple App Store and Google Play Store
Utilize App Store Optimization (ASO) to Boost App Downloads
Leverage Google App Campaign to Encourage App Installs and In-app Actions
Use Facebook Ad Campaign with App Promotion Objective to Drive App Downloads
Implement Mobile Deep Linking to Optimize App User Experience

9. Email Marketing

Build an Email List from Scratch with the Right Tools and Information
Leverage Lead Generation to Attract Interested Prospects
Optimize Lead Capture and Lead Magnets to Convert Prospects into Leads
Perform List Segmentation that Help You Send the Right Person the Right Message
Avoid Spam Filters to Ensure Your Emails Landing in the Subscriber Inbox
Learn About Privacy Law that Impact the Digital and Email Marketing

10. Web Analytics

Understand the Essential Analytics Tool: Google Analytics (GA)
Set Up Google Analytics 4 Account and See How Your Website is Performing
Analyze All the Reports in Google Analytics – Acquisition Reports, Engagement Report, Monetization Reports, and Retention Reports,
Identify What Pages of Your Website are the Most Popular
Find Out Which Digital Marketing Activities are Bringing in the Most Website Visitors
Discover the Age, Gender, and Location of Your Website's Visitors
Segment Your Data to Explore Unique Business Insights

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