Feva Works IT Education Centre

CEF 認可 Certificate in Virtual Reality Application Design and Development

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Course Information

  • 1 Dec 2024 (Sun) - 29 Dec 2024 (Sun) 10:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Registration period
16 Oct 2024 (Wed) - 1 Dec 2024 (Sun)
HKD 7,500 CEF Reimbursable
(減免後* 低至 $ 1500 )
Study Mode
30 Hour(s)

Course Overview

Virtual Reality 虛擬實境 (VR) 是什麼?

簡單來說,就是利用電腦模擬產生一個虛擬世界,提供使用者與當下時空不同的視覺、聽覺、觸覺等感官體驗,完全隔絕於所處的現實環境,以直接行動的方式,融入全 3D 的世界。隨著頭部移動,視野跟著改變,讓使用者如同身歷其境一般,可以及時、沒有限制地觀察虛擬空間內的事物,甚至與之互動。

近年,不少科技巨頭包括 Google、Facebook﹑HTC、Sony、Samsung、Microsoft 等都正積極布局在虛擬實境領域上有所動作。


虛擬實境 (VR) 被外國廣泛應用,以前看起來極為遙遠的 VR 技術,正一步一步地翩然來到你我生活之中。

戴上裝置後,你可以行動的方式,步入設計好的新居 / 辨工室,實時看到不同裝修選擇

戴上裝置後,你可以 360 度環境觀看運動賽事和演唱會實況




What You’ll Learn

Certificate in Virtual Reality Application Design and Development

1. Working with 3D Environment
3D space navigation
3D items transform

2. Cinematic Animation Design

Keyframes animation control
Timelines edit

3. Character Setup

Character animation setup
Character interaction
AI navigation system

4. Physics Setup

Collision control
Clothes and joint

5. VR Environment Setup

360 environment setup
Basic operation of VR device
Scene control
VR application export

6. Realistic VR Scene Design

Material setup
Lighting system
Audio setup

7. VR Interaction

Setup of motion controller
Information display
VR menu setup
VR interface design
VR navigation control
Scene event handling
Interaction of 3D object

8. VR Game Design

3D picking and operating
Weapon system
Shooting target setup
Game flow handling

9. Scene optimization

Light baking
Post processing
Assessment Methods

The overall contributions to the final results are 40% for Continuous Assessments and 60% for Final Assessment.

Certificate in Virtual Reality Application Design and Development will be awarded to those who have:

Must be at least 50% or such higher passing mark for both Continuous Assessments and Final Assessment; AND
Attended at least 70% of the total contact hours.

Admission Requirements

Applicants should fulfil the following admission requirements:

Completion of F.5 (under the HKCEE academic structure) or equivalent; OR
Completion of Secondary 6 (under the HKDSE academic structure) or equivalent; OR
Aged 18 or above at the time when the course commenced, plus working knowledge of Windows Operating System.

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