Course Information
- 1 May 2025 (Thu) 12:00 AM - 1:30 AM
(Live Single Attendee
US$149 Live Session
Recorded Single Attendee
US$199 6 month Access for Rec
Live+Recorded Single Attendee
US$249 6 month Access for Rec)
Course Overview
About the Course
Increasingly, the best leaders are recognizing that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is critical for communicating and engaging with employees. However, in today’s TNT - Time-Numbers-Technology - Driven and Distracted World, to truly connect and inspire, leaders also need to tap into a novel intelligence source - Humor Intelligence (HQ). When combined with Emotional Intelligence, you have discovered The Stress Doc’s Higher Power Humor. HPH:
- Captures and sustains people’s attention
- Help employees feel safe to give honest feedback
- It builds an environment of trust
- Project leaders as role models for authenticity, exploration, and risk-taking, and
Motivates all towards creative collaboration and “out of the box” problem-solving. In fact, in his research on Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman found that more effective managers employ humor three times more often than less effective counterparts.
They also must defuse high stress and lighten the mood, turn conflict into camaraderie, and help people adapt to uncertain times through greater self-acceptance (Humor Intelligence).
Let acclaimed speaker and webinar presenter Mark Gorkin, the Stress Doc ™, a kind of Motivational Psychohumorist, facilitate your EQ to HQ upgrade. Don’t miss his "Get FIT" -FUN-Interactive-Thought-provoking - Webinar or Workshop to inspire individuals, teams, and systems to: a) laugh at their own flaws and foibles, egos and excesses, b) turn pain and loss, change and conflict into purposeful and passionate, even playful, problem-solving, c) discover how to generate liberating laughs in difficult tasks and challenging times, and d) collaborate and synergize by blending individual creativity and interactive community.
Course Objective
- Connecting Emotional Intelligence, Humor Intelligence, and Leadership Effectiveness
- Distinguish between Humor and Wit, Hostile and Healing Humor
- Structures, Tools, and Techniques for Becoming a Higher Power Humorist
- Discover the Stress Doc’s Compelling Tools: The New KISS and Memorable MISS
- Enhancing Empathy, Deflating Aggression, and Building Morale Through Humor
- Passion Power Model: Being Purposeful-Provocative-Passionate-PLAYFUL-Philosophical
- Confront Your Intimate FOE: From Fear of Exposure to Fun of Embarrassment
- Humor and the Work Team - Harnessing and Harmonizing Coordination, Morale & Productivity
Who is the Target Audience?
This topic is for all levels of employees and management. Increasingly, we understand that the keys to organizational productivity, motivation, and morale involve more than Digital Intelligence. We’ve come to recognize the importance of awareness and communication fueled by Emotional Intelligence. And now, the Stress Doc is taking this creative consciousness/communication skillset to a new level through Humor Intelligence (HQ) that builds on Emotional Intelligence (EQ). EQ x HQ Synergy, especially a leader using Self-Effacing Humor, will enable you to grab people’s attention, sustain their engagement, and boost, if not inspire, their belief, commitment, and motivation.
Basic Knowledge
No prior knowledge required
What You’ll Learn
- Emotional Intelligence: Concept and Tool
- Difference between Wit and Humor
- Difference between Hostile and Healing Humor
- Humor Communication Tools
- Leaders Using Humor in Tense Situations
- Passion Power Model
- Sharing Vulnerability and Building Team Camaraderie and Trust
Skills covered in this course
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