CUHK - School of Continuing and Professional Studies

藝術設計文憑課程 Diploma Programme in Graphic Design

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Course Information

  • 22 Apr 2025 (Tue) 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Registration period
12 Dec 2024 (Thu) - 21 Apr 2025 (Mon)
Study Mode
265 Hour(s)
尖沙咀安年教學中心 / 尖沙咀東海教學中心

Course Overview


What You’ll Learn

內容包括基礎平面設計、概念發展以及視覺意像之配合等,理論與實踐兼備,讓學員能將技巧與創作意念融合,為日後之相關事業發展或進修作好準備。(課程限收 24 人)課程內容
1. 素描與色彩學 (20 小時)
Drawing and Colour Theory (20 hours)
This course aims to equip with students the ability to draw from observation and apply visual elements and use of different medium to draw. The course also provides the students the opportunities to acquire and apply knowledge and theories of colour as a tool for visual expression.

2. 透視學與預想圖 (20 小時)
Perspective and Rendering (20 hours)
This course equips students with the basic skills and concepts in perspective drawing and rendering and apply different medium both traditional and modern as a means for art and design presentation and communication.

3. 平面及商業設計基礎 (20 小時)
Fundamentals of Graphic and Commercial Design (20 hours)
This course aims to introduce to the students the basic concepts and process in graphic and commercial design and to strengthen student’s understanding and application of in using visual languages to create strategies and concept-driven design solutions.

4. 藝術設計史 (30 小時) (理論課)
History of Art and Design:From Prehistoric to 1930 (30 hours) (Theory)
This course provides the students a historical perspective of the evolution of art and design from prehistoric to 1930. Through lecture, class discussion, readings and assignments, students will be able to identify the major movements and developments of art and design and to evaluate its implication for design expression.

5. 字體學 (20 小時)
Typography (20 hours)
This course provides the students the opportunity to comprehend the principles, theories and classifications of typography and to apply typography for design use.

6. 數碼影像與設計 (30 小時)
Digital Imaging and Design (30 hours)
This course provides the foundation trainings for students in mastering the use of basic computer software (Photoshop and Illustrator) essential for the creation and presentation of graphic images.

7. 印刷與書刊設計 (20 小時)
Printing and Publication Design (20 hours)
This course introduces to the students the concepts and principles to publication design as well as the history of the printing development and its recent trend. Students are required to analyze and apply the skills acquired and incorporate these techniques and principles in their design work.

8. 品牌設計 (20 小時)
Branding (20 hours)
This course provides an opportunity for students to explore the comprehensive branding process by creating functional design solutions and extend their thoughts and techniques in the creation of brand identity.

9. 攝影與設計 (20 小時)
Photography Skills for Design (20 hours)
This course aims to equip students the theories, techniques and application of digital photography and design. Students will also be introduced to issues related to professional studio practice and commercial shooting.

10. 海報設計 (20 小時)
Poster Design (20 hours)
This course enables students to investigate the context of posters as a mean of visual communication both historically and functionally.

11. 立體造型與包裝設計 (20 小時)
3D Forms and Packaging (20 hours)
This course enables students to explore three-dimensional elements and experiment with basic forms with individual design concepts to the creation of functional domestic consumer product.

12. 作品集製作 (20 小時)
Integrated Portfolio (20 hours)
This course aims to provide the opportunities for students to apply and incorporate the design principles, concepts and skills of various design aspect acquired to the creation of individual design project portfolio.

13. 作品評賞 (5 小時)
Final Critique (20 hours)
Students are required to perform in-class art critique to present, discuss and evaluate their individual artworks to describe, analyze and interpret works of art using technical descriptions and elements to convey and express their thinking about the ideas or meaning of the creative works.

1) 完成中學課程,或同等學歷,或
2) 年滿 21 歲,及
3) 報名需附交設計或繪畫作品並由入學遴選委員會評審。

( 除原作外,亦可以光碟、相片或打印形式遞交作品集。)

請用正楷填寫 「學歷課程報名表格 」,並連同以下資料:
1. 學歷證明文件副本 ;
2. 報名費及學費 ;
3. 設計及繪畫作品。



1. 劃線支票或銀行本票,抬頭請寫 「香港中文大學 」;報名費與學費請分開兩張支票繳交。
2. 如使用信用卡或萬事達卡繳費,請於 「學歷課程報名表格 」上填寫信用卡號碼、有效日期及簽名。

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將軍澳翠林邨 (欣林樓對面)

要取得香港中文大學專業進修學院頒授之 「藝術設計文憑 」,學員必須:
(1) 於各單元之出席率不少於百分之七十;及
(2) 修畢各單元並於各單元取得合格成績。



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