Hong Kong Management Association

BA(Hons) Business Studies - Finance

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Course Information

  • 22 Apr 2025 (Tue)
Registration period
25 Feb 2025 (Tue) - 27 Mar 2025 (Thu)
HKD 65,800 CEF Reimbursable
(Tuition Fee for Year 2 Entry:HK$76,800
Tuition Fee for Year 3 Entry:HK$65,800)
Study Mode
3 Year(s)

Course Overview

The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) jointly offers a top-up degree programme with the University of Greenwich. This bachelor degree programme aims not only to prepare students in strengthening their business and management knowledge, but also to develop their analytical skills. This Greenwich bachelor degree programme is tailored specially for holders of Associate Degree, Higher Diploma, Advanced Diploma, and Professional Diploma, etc.

What You’ll Learn

Year 2 (60 Credits)
Module 1 - Operations Management
The module covers the design, operation, analysis and control of goods and services.
As the operations function is the key area for changing inputs to outputs, it has the
most impact on the sustainability of an organisation. This module will study the
methods organisations use to create value for customers in the 21st century and will
look at many aspects of the digital workplace and Business 4.0 concepts. The course
uses project-based learning blended with more traditional lectures and tutorials. The
project, which is the basis for the assessment, is to develop an operations plan for a
fictitious company. The tutorial activities will link into an aspect of the operations plan.
By the end of the module the students will have a much better appreciation of the
whole operations process.

Year 2 (60 Credits)
Module 2 - Creativity and Decision Making in Business
This course aims to lead the student into all levels of business decision-making, from
strategic to operational, and provide them with broad financial understanding so
that decisions and their consequences for business can be evaluated. Some of the
technical tools that inform the decision-maker, including further data reduction and
statistical models will be introduced. The strategies and concepts of individual and
group creativity will be taught and applied in common sense examples from business.
Decision-making process will be examined and evaluated as a human activity in

Year 3 (120 Credits)
Module 3 - Final Year Project: Consultancy Project
The module aims to provide the opportunity for students to critique business theory
and to integrate and apply skills and knowledge acquired earlier in the programme to
a live business consultancy problem. The module seeks to develop students’ ability to
define and analyse a complex business problem and to successfully integrate academic
knowledge and practical applications. Students receive practice in the specification,
collection, analysis and reporting of information and are given the opportunity to write
up large amounts of material. In addition, students are given experience of planning
a project over an extended time period and meeting deadlines thus facilitating an
element of self-managed learning.

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Learning Insight

  • 【銀行熱話】大學生必知7類實習/工作類型 幫你提高機會 畢業考入好公司!
  • 【自我增值】 疫情下綠色本地遊當旺 生態導賞員成熱門行業
  • 【自我增值】學投資理財未必使大灑金錢 即睇免費及網上課程

Jobs related to this course

  • General Manager Planning and Digital

    Cathay Subsidiary Services
  • Senior Finance Manager / Finance Manager (Special Projects)

  • Floor Supervisor 樓層督導 (22k)

    B P International
  • Finance Manager

    Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel
  • Manager, Credit Risk Policy

    Fusion Bank Limited
Executive Certificate in ESG Reporting 金融證券投資證書

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