School of Graduate Studies, Lingnan University

Master of Housing Policy and Management (MHPM) (Full-time)

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Course Information

Registration period
Year-round Recruitment
HKD 171,800
(Tuition fee

Full-time / Part-time mode: HKD $171,800

*Full-time mode: 2 instalments / Part-time mode: 4 instalments

Application fee

HK$400 (non-refundable and non-transferable)

Study Mode
2 Year(s)
Cantonese, English

Course Overview

Aim and Objective

MHPM programme places great emphasis on how we can formulate our housing policy and manage our housing resources to enable people’s access to affordable and decent housing. It aims to help students develop the higher-level intellectual and analytical competencies needed to perform professional duties as housing or property managers in the public, private and third sectors; to equip student with the capability to examine and evaluate the role of the government and the forms of government intervention in housing that could enhance people’s total quality of life in an ever-changing society and to equip students with a deeper understanding of ICT applications in building services and management to enable them to competently contribute to the sustainable maintenance and development of Hong Kong’s housing stock and associated facilities, in a fast-changing technological city.


A student who has enrolled on the MHPM programme and has successfully completed shall be awarded a Master of Housing Policy and Management (房屋政策及管理碩士).


Key Features

  • Focus on the use of smart technology and data analytics in the housing policy and management.
  • Hands-on training and impactful skills of analysing and evaluating the effects of government’s intervention on the housing markets from the capstone project.
  • Deliver by adopting the research-informed teaching.
  • Enhance the students experience of real-world issues, to develop students’ critical thinking, to improve student confidence, and to provide students with meaningful and deep learning experiences.
  • Cover the interdisciplinary scope by integrating facility, human and environmental management into the curriculum.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the programme, students will be able to:

  • Illustrate an awareness of different frameworks (e.g. legal, technical and socio-political frameworks), discourses, and challenges related to housing management
  • Apply theories in the analysis of housing policies, strategies and practices in the contemporary society
  • Apply core skills (e.g. effective communication, budgeting, analysis of statistical information, handling of conflicts and crises, negotiation, decision-making, project management and information technology etc.) in housing management practice
  • Synthesise knowledge acquired in various courses such as economics, legal studies, building studies and management studies to analyse contemporary housing issues
  • Propose innovative ideas to address the identified challenges in the housing sector


  • 智慧技術和資料科學:探索智慧技術和資料科學在住房政策和管理中的角色
  • 實踐培訓:通過畢業設計專案中分析和評估政府干預對住房市場的影響,獲得實踐經驗
  • 研究型教學:採用研究型教學方法
  • 實踐經驗:增強對現實世界問題的理解,培養批判性思維,提高信心,並提供有意義和深入的學習體驗
  • 跨學科教學:將設施管理、資料科學和環境管理整合至課程
  • 課程獲得CIH認證:課程獲英國特許房屋經理學會(CIH)認可,畢業生有資格成為CIH特許會員


What You’ll Learn

  • HPM501 Housing Economics and Finance
  • HPM502 Contemporary Issues in Housing Management
  • HPM503 Building Studies for Housing Management
  • HPM504 Facility and Asset Management
  • HPM601 Legal Studies for Housing Management
  • HPM602 Advanced Practices of Housing Management
  • MCG511 Housing Policy and Development
  • MCG501 Cities and Social Change
  • MCG505 Smart and Sustainable Cities
  • MCG510 Workshop for Smart Governance
  • HPM603 Research Methods and Capstone Project                                                   

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